Your wedding will be one of the most memorable days of your life, but that doesn’t mean it won’t come with some stress. Last-minute decisions and unexpected changes are bound to happen. However, you don’t want stress to interfere with your ability enjoy this special time in your or life or to get a good night’s rest. Sleep plays a big part in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, especially on your wedding day. Justin Alexander teamed up with Sleep Help to bring you tips to get the best sleep possible leading up to your wedding day. 

The Importance of Sleep Before Your Big Day

Sleep helps you manage stress and maintain the emotional balance you need for your wedding. Without it, the part of the brain that processes emotions becomes more sensitive to negative thoughts. At the same time, the part of the brain that applies reason becomes less active. Without enough sleep, your stress levels are more likely to rise, leaving you overwhelmed.

Sleep also plays a key role in your metabolism and appetite control. Even if you’re not trying to lose weight before your wedding, you still want to look your best. Sleep loss causes the hormones that control your hunger and satiety to get released in different amounts than usual. These changes cause you to feel hungrier and less full. Lack of sleep also causes your body to crave high-fat, sugary foods that could sabotage your attempts to eat a well-balanced diet.

How to Manage Stress and Get Better Sleep

There are changes you can make in your habits and behaviors, both big and small, that can make a difference in your ability to fall and stay asleep. A wedding presents a unique time in your life with unique challenges. Because of that, managing stress is an important part of maintaining your overall health. A few simple ways to manage stress include:

Regular Exercise: A moderate change in your activity level can impact your sleep quality. Exercise helps relieve stress and muscle tension while also making your body more tired at night.

Meditation: Mindfulness meditation and similar forms of meditation have been shown to help reduce stress and relieve the symptoms of insomnia. Regular meditation can cause the reasoning portion of the brain to thicken and the connection between this area and your emotional center to strengthen, helping you manage those stress-inducing thoughts.

Yoga: Yoga brings exercise and meditation together for a full mind and body workout. Regularly practicing yoga can help relieve stress by reducing inflammation, improving mood, and increasing energy levels.

Once you’ve begun to actively manage your stress, you can also work towards developing healthy sleep habits. Keep in mind that if discomfort keeps you awake at night, you might need a mattress designed to support your preferred sleep position – back, stomach, or side. Beyond the mattress, you can:

Keep a Consistent Sleep Schedule: A consistent sleep schedule helps your body properly time the release of sleep hormones. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

Develop a Bedtime Routine: Bedtime routines work well for those who have a hard time falling asleep. It gives your brain a chance to wind down and can be a good time to incorporate stress management tools such as meditation or yoga.

Avoid Blue Light: High-efficiency light bulbs and electronic devices like televisions and smartphones often emit a bright blue light that can suppress the release of sleep hormones. Keep HD light bulbs out of the bedroom and try to shut your devices off at least two to three hours before bed to prevent sleep disruptions. 

Changing your sleep habits before your wedding may prove challenging, but sufficient sleep can help you enjoy the day to the fullest.